Sporting Marketing generates a very substantial impact, both economically and in terms of tourism, as well as social and environmental aspects. At a global level, it is estimated that Sports Tourism generates 10% of the world’s tourist flow. This equation includes major sporting events, of which Spain hosts a considerable number. On a purely marketing level, the team-sponsor symbiosis is of utmost importance, as is the branding of events, which also compete with each other for audience, attention and demand money.
But apart from the major teams in each category, 90% of the small and medium sport teams are run by volunteers and mostly depend on public grants and personal contacts. The management and marketing are fields which a big improvement potential.
At ADS Marketing we offer help for both sides. On the one hand we will show sport clubs how to get more efficient and professional and with a good marketing plan attract more sponsors and a healthier financial basis to grow your club. And on the other hand we help businesses who want to add sport marketing to their marketing strategy to pick the right teams or athletes to sponsor and what to make sure of you can expect from the club in exchange for your sponsorship.